Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm ROLLING Along!!

Sorry for my delay in posting, but I wanted to include a picture of this activity--You'll have to wait for it I guess.

I got lucky enough to go rollerskating this past weekend with 9 of my girlfriends all due to winning a silent auction!  So we packed into two cars and headed out to the suburbs of Chicago (a feat and adventure in itself) to attend rollerskating.

Now I had attended plenty of birthday parties in the past held at rollerrinks but I was never lucky enough to host one of my own. I should have known what a Saturday afternoon at a roller rink would have been like, but I was unprepared. We were greeted by yelling, laughing, crying, and rollerskating kids. Some parents had rollerskates on as others were too shy to try again.

For the next three hours we skated around the rink to today's top 40s as well as a few throw backs to the 80s, requested by me. There were a few falls along the way and plenty of laughs! We all concluded that it was definitely the best birthday party activity we had participated in in awhile!

So next time you're wondering what to do for your birthday, consider rollerskating as your next adventure!!

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